Project Bella Vista, Paraguay

    The south of Paraguay is sparsely populated and has little industrial infrastructure. The rural population largely lives in poor conditions. In this structurally weak region, a large number of people live from the plant products that they cultivate on rented land. Plants are grown from these in niche areas, such as cassava. The roots are harvested to produce starch and transported to a local starch factory. The starch is washed out of the roots and accounts for approx. 40% of the mass of the roots. The residue obtained after starch extraction is not used commercially. Due to the low added value that can be obtained from the starch extraction from the cassava roots, the cultivation and harvesting of cassava roots is hardly profitable.

    Local government representatives were introduced to the possibilities of a full material use of the cassava roots, which can be achieved by using the unlocking and manufacturing processes. Feasibility of using this technique to convert the residual material to products for human consumption was successfully documented on site, so that a model project will be carried out together with the local starch factory.

    The project funds are used to design a manufacturing unit that will be located in the immediate vicinity of the starch factory. It was shown that dietary fiber that is usable for humans and has practically no caloric value can be produced from the vegetable residue of the starch factory.

    By increasing the added value, it should be possible for small farmers to receive at least 20% more income from the supplied roots than before.

    About us

    We are a non-profit foundation located in Wiesbaden, Germany.
    According to our statutes, we are committed to carrying out our activities for charitable purposes. According to the statutes, the donations must be used for charitable purposes and research. The Foundation for Sustainable Food Production provides its know-how for the implementation of the technologies used in the projects free of charge.
    This is provided as a charitable service in the form of helping people in need to help themselves. The charitable objectives of the foundation are carried out with altruistic, compassionate and charitable intentions.