With our work we provide practical help for self-help for people in economically and structurally weak regions in developing and emerging countries.
The donations are used to implement specific projects that directly and sustainably improve the economic situation of the people or regions supported.
The donation funds are used very efficiently. In the simplest case, a project can take the form of technology training and support during implementation.
You can support individual projects or the activities of the foundation with your donation. We ask you to indicate the purpose of the donation on the transfer slip. Please use the following donation account from the Foundation for Sustainable Food Production at the German Apotheker- und Ärzte Bank with the IBAN: DE69300606010005887204, BIC: DAAEDEDDXXX
A donation receipt will be issued for a donation amount exceeding € 200.
Up to a donation amount of € 200, it is sufficient to present your account statement for proof of donation to the tax office.
Please note that the donation receipt can only be issued to the account holder. Thank you so much!
We report in our activity report how the donations have been used.